Okay so it's as simple as thinking (at least for me) or maybe whatever you consider simple, whatever. Now if you want to become fat just start secretly eating everything everyone says stop eating. After a month or a few weeks not more than four weeks if you have added 5 kilograms or about 10 pounds for those of you weirdos. Okay what was i saying ... yeah when you gain 5 kg in four weeks start listening to those advices and stop eating whatever everyone says is bad for you. They will probably never become fat and so they want you too to be like them. i think fat is beautiful, not unhealthy fat. there is a difference.
Hi, I was thinking of starting a platform that will at least address the starvation crisis. Then I gave up. I mean come on, huge industries are expanding in the ready made food section. Still wondering what I'm writing? Well this blog was formed to provide summaries of how to prepare meals but I think I've had an epiphany, thank goodness it's about conflict just like Rango's epiphany. I have realized that there are millions of short recipes all over the internet and so i thought I'm only trying to reinvent the wheel that was invented instead of modifying it or using it on something thats a niche. Okay my niche is that I plan to change the name of this blog to 'stop starvation' something, hey any suggestions? I don't want to join everyone in providing info that is so much to the consumer. I have a dream and my dream is not for blacks but it mostly involves blacks. I want to contribute to reducing starvation by coming up with...
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