I will say it again. Frying is the best mode of cooking stuff that's not normal delicacy. Normal human beings eat insects and other small cousins of ours but we don't eat bugs. I can swear (not in religious context) ... for others bugs are as normal as French fries (crunchy and oily) just yummy. Now forget Joe's Apartment There is another vintage silent film on cockroaches. I saw it about two decades ago and it still lingers in my mind (they invaded the whole city and killed everyone).
I find bugs to be funny in a social sense as in how they go about their daily life from an observer's point of view. But from a natures point of view they are predictors and can extinct our race if they decided to.
Good thing some guys in Vietnam already know how nutritious they are ... but not all bugs just the arachnid family mostly at least. Spiders in particular are actually nearly being considered a staple food there.
I guess there is some benefit to eating bugs like say medicinal value or anti-aging ... I actually know the benefits but i will have to kill you after I tell you. Now my Creator obviously warned His chosen people what to eat. That explains why some of us who eat whatever .... will always be His unchosen people. Not to worry though ... frying spiders is as fun as frying bacon. Clean those eight legged insect like folks well after harvesting of course or just buy them fresh from a Vietnamese market. Don't just go eating any spiders or else you will find yourself in hell ... forever ... with no hope for paradise you will be nicknamed bug eater...
After cleaning then ... remember they are obviously dead unless you enjoy a few poisonous stings in inappropriate places like say under your armpits. Come to think of it, some people's armpits will kill these dangerous edible creatures.
After cleaning ... make sure they are dry. Sun drying is the best form of drying food that you just can't wipe dry or put in the oven. If you dry using the microwave you will have slimy remains after they explode. Next heat some frying oil and deep them in. After they look or smell ready and crunchy serve hot or store to consume like crisps. They are a delicacy so in Vietnam you can cook however you choose, boil, roast, eat raw ... as long as you quench your appetite. You can just get them shipped ready made from Vietnam or wherever else they are found. All bugs can be cooked this way. Frying is actually softening food with hot oil. It's not rocket science but it's food science that even toddlers know where their 'kitchen' for milk is ... that was defiantly inappropriate ...
I know this post talks of everything but saying nothing and if you never got my point then it's obviously your own damn fault.
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