If you are like me then ... sorry there is no one like me. But my point is: I find disgusting stuff delicious, I mean food wise just get those irrelevant mental images out of your head right now. Thank you.
Moving on ... I happen to find Kenyan snails more eatable and clean in short delicious not that I eat them .. (hey don't shy away from offering a kiss).
It's very rare to see Kenyan snails with shells otherwise they would not be as appealing to me. A typical Kenyan will not eat a snail even if their life depended on it but if money was involved then snails will definitely become extinct. Offense intended ...
For those of us who eat our slimy yakish friends then all you need is a bunch of them, probably enough to satisfy your appetite. First clean thoroughly with a food disinfectant (any disinfectant that is not harmful to your health) After this make sure they are dead by hitting them or just crushing. You can expose their insides and get rid of them or just ignore them (hey it's an extra source of proteins)
After cleaning ... have some hot frying oil ready. Deep them one by one or all at once, until they are golden brown and they are floating. Scope them and put aside and have another pan ready for onions and tomatoes. Add some oil and add onions, when the onions are about to burn or brown NOT BURNT. Add the snails.
Stir for a while as you add the volume on that stereo because you are enjoying your cooking listening to whatever M$***K you love. Don't let it burn .... add the tomatoes and other spices if you are Indian ... no offense ... but you know the order. Stir and you may add some water to make a stronger source or just let it be.
When it smells ready ... when it smells delicious and it makes you salivate then serve hot with any accompaniment, a drink this time alcohol is okay but i disapprove alcohol. The best professionals don't drink alcohol. Hey even ugali is cool. BON APPETIT you will definitely need it. Actually I've just forgotten what i was to say but I will update when i remember ... they taste awesome by the way.
I was just imagining if you every find yourself in a situation like Pi in the life of pi, You have to eat what is available. The best tip for a first timer just eat while eyes closed and think of your favorite meal or have very loud metal rock or angry music as you eat snails. Just saying ... By the way those fat snails having lunch on Turbo (2013 film) can get it ... I mean delicious.
Below is an actual professional Blog on the snail delicacy.

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