Obesity, you will agree in developed communities it's disaster (for lack of a more precise definition) whereas starvation is the disaster in developing communities. What is wrong with this picture?
My two cents will not make the difference but if we understand it at least that will be the starting point. Basically my theory is that we cannot change the world as we are headed to the apocalypse. From a religious standpoint the worst is yet to come. Due to my ignorance i'm not sure if food related disasters are mentioned anywhere in religious texts. Anyone?
Having established that the worst is yet to come the best we can do is at least touch souls. This is the most important thing way more than hand outs. I'm so against hand outs. A scenario like giving a beggar a coin and walking away to me is not how to be a good Samaritan.
A story is told by the controversial Jesus Christ. It was a parable of the good Samaritan. What will you do if you were faced with such a situation? My point is what the Samaritan went on to do. He checked the injured fellow into an inn and requested for him to be taken care fully and the good Samaritan said he will settle any bills until the injured was strong enough to take care of themselves.
Okay coming back to Obesity. Some of the smartest guys in the world have spent years to notice that obesity mostly affects very young people. People who have a potential to make this world better than they found it. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (no relation ... no wait maybe there is) they left the world better than they found it. I now day dream of iOS and playing my favorite 3D game on Windows platform so did Linus Torvalds with Linux.
Enough with that.In starving communities the most productive are the middle aged unlike in the developed world where the young who happen to be at risk of obesity are the future. Okay my point is that i want to establish a platform where the obese cut on food and share this food with the starving.
Obviously it has been done but not as effective as it should be. Many became obese according to studies because they spend too much time in front of a computer. Then what i'm saying is why don't those who are obese and always on the computer came up with solutions that are geared to kill starvation or at least significantly reduce it.
Get my point? Donating food stuff is a form of hand outs and I hate hand outs. The best solution is raising money not to donate but build a platform that will solve the starvation menace. It's not only in Africa, you will be shocked what happens during winter stricken places. I'm an open source supporter and the obese can come up with a Bitcoin-like open source platform that will sort this starvation issue.
When you do something to help others you will feel better and I guarantee that you will lose weight. It's called law of attraction.
I mentioned raising funds. I'm not saying you raise money to donate. When you donate it due to corruption and bureaucracy the starving will never get help they may receive a day's stock just for publicity and the media. The media has a short memory and those brave enough to do investigative journalism are crucified.
This reminds me what i just noticed. Say for example an global NGO gets funds let's say for charity purposes or projects like setting up social amenities. They allocate the funds after receiving a budget and then there is always an instance of corruption and fund misappropriation. What I noticed is that the same NGO allocates others which is a waste if you ask me, to investigate the the misuse of funds. The NGO spends almost all resources to deal with corruption which is an internal activity and only publish few success stories just to cover it all up.
My theory is that those who have experienced healthy eating disasters are in a suitable position to make a difference. Okay what i will say next is a patent idea of mine of how to solve starvation and promote healthy eating in both communities.
The obese should came up with funds from cutting back on what they eat. If you eat two burgers a day at least try one a day and a lot of cheap healthy fluids. Healthy foods are natural foods and they are obviously cheaper than obese causing foods.
Save some money and form a fund for the starving and this should be corruption free. After coming up with enough funds invest the funds in an agricultural project obviously located in the areas where starvation is prominent and let the starving to manage such projects. Not just any agricultural project but integrated agriculture that yields better and never depends on climate or weather.
GMO, genetically modified organisms if produced without chemicals are healthy. I support such projects. GMO is actually the secret to healthy eating and food security.
I have said a lot of nothing but my take on obesity is that as the obese will definitely contribute to their healthy eating by contributing to eliminating starvation. Please tell me what you think. Thank you.
My two cents will not make the difference but if we understand it at least that will be the starting point. Basically my theory is that we cannot change the world as we are headed to the apocalypse. From a religious standpoint the worst is yet to come. Due to my ignorance i'm not sure if food related disasters are mentioned anywhere in religious texts. Anyone?
Having established that the worst is yet to come the best we can do is at least touch souls. This is the most important thing way more than hand outs. I'm so against hand outs. A scenario like giving a beggar a coin and walking away to me is not how to be a good Samaritan.
A story is told by the controversial Jesus Christ. It was a parable of the good Samaritan. What will you do if you were faced with such a situation? My point is what the Samaritan went on to do. He checked the injured fellow into an inn and requested for him to be taken care fully and the good Samaritan said he will settle any bills until the injured was strong enough to take care of themselves.
Okay coming back to Obesity. Some of the smartest guys in the world have spent years to notice that obesity mostly affects very young people. People who have a potential to make this world better than they found it. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (no relation ... no wait maybe there is) they left the world better than they found it. I now day dream of iOS and playing my favorite 3D game on Windows platform so did Linus Torvalds with Linux.
Enough with that.In starving communities the most productive are the middle aged unlike in the developed world where the young who happen to be at risk of obesity are the future. Okay my point is that i want to establish a platform where the obese cut on food and share this food with the starving.
Obviously it has been done but not as effective as it should be. Many became obese according to studies because they spend too much time in front of a computer. Then what i'm saying is why don't those who are obese and always on the computer came up with solutions that are geared to kill starvation or at least significantly reduce it.
Get my point? Donating food stuff is a form of hand outs and I hate hand outs. The best solution is raising money not to donate but build a platform that will solve the starvation menace. It's not only in Africa, you will be shocked what happens during winter stricken places. I'm an open source supporter and the obese can come up with a Bitcoin-like open source platform that will sort this starvation issue.
When you do something to help others you will feel better and I guarantee that you will lose weight. It's called law of attraction.
I mentioned raising funds. I'm not saying you raise money to donate. When you donate it due to corruption and bureaucracy the starving will never get help they may receive a day's stock just for publicity and the media. The media has a short memory and those brave enough to do investigative journalism are crucified.
This reminds me what i just noticed. Say for example an global NGO gets funds let's say for charity purposes or projects like setting up social amenities. They allocate the funds after receiving a budget and then there is always an instance of corruption and fund misappropriation. What I noticed is that the same NGO allocates others which is a waste if you ask me, to investigate the the misuse of funds. The NGO spends almost all resources to deal with corruption which is an internal activity and only publish few success stories just to cover it all up.
My theory is that those who have experienced healthy eating disasters are in a suitable position to make a difference. Okay what i will say next is a patent idea of mine of how to solve starvation and promote healthy eating in both communities.
The obese should came up with funds from cutting back on what they eat. If you eat two burgers a day at least try one a day and a lot of cheap healthy fluids. Healthy foods are natural foods and they are obviously cheaper than obese causing foods.
Save some money and form a fund for the starving and this should be corruption free. After coming up with enough funds invest the funds in an agricultural project obviously located in the areas where starvation is prominent and let the starving to manage such projects. Not just any agricultural project but integrated agriculture that yields better and never depends on climate or weather.
GMO, genetically modified organisms if produced without chemicals are healthy. I support such projects. GMO is actually the secret to healthy eating and food security.
I have said a lot of nothing but my take on obesity is that as the obese will definitely contribute to their healthy eating by contributing to eliminating starvation. Please tell me what you think. Thank you.
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