Health and beauty category

Tuesday 2 June 2015


Okay the truth: our society is becoming obese and we are enriching the medical community by being regular patients of nutrition related symptoms simply because we don't eat like our forefathers. Yes i said it and you may say it's stone-age or is it Stonehenge but those guys pretty much die in their 90s or over, and us who mock them die before 50 years old. Anyone above 50 years actually is a healthy and conscious eater. Some people ... take offense if you like but some guys look 40s when they are barely 20s. PLEASE EAT THOSE TRADITIONAL FOODS AND NOT PROCESSED 'NUTRITIONAL FOODS' I MEAN FRESH FARM PRODUCE. milk a goat if you have to, let a hen and a cork wander in your back yard and collect some eggs later. There is an true (maybe the only true rumor) that the healthy President Moi actually eats pretty much only traditional stuff thats why he's still young. By the way we share a birthday with that famous president... connect the dots and don't hate me for it. Respect to my mentor ... part intended though.

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