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Hi, I was thinking of starting a platform that will at least address the starvation crisis. Then I gave up. I mean come on, huge industries are expanding in the ready made food section. Still wondering what I'm writing? Well this blog was formed to provide summaries of how to prepare meals but I think I've had an epiphany, thank goodness it's about conflict just like Rango's epiphany.  I have realized that there are millions of short recipes all over the internet and so i thought I'm only trying to reinvent the wheel that was invented instead of modifying it or using it on something thats a niche. Okay my niche is that I plan to change the name of this blog to 'stop starvation' something, hey any suggestions?  I don't want to join everyone in providing info that is so much to the consumer. I have a dream and my dream is not for blacks but it mostly involves blacks. I want to contribute to reducing starvation by coming up with...


Obesity, you will agree in developed communities it's disaster (for lack of a more precise definition) whereas starvation is the disaster in developing communities. What is wrong with this picture? My two cents will not make the difference but if we understand it at least that will be the starting point. Basically my theory is that we cannot change the world as we are headed to the apocalypse. From a religious standpoint the worst is yet to come. Due to my ignorance i'm not sure if food related disasters are mentioned anywhere in religious texts. Anyone? Having established that the worst is yet to come the best we can do is at least touch souls. This is the most important thing way more than hand outs. I'm so against hand outs. A scenario like giving a beggar a coin and walking away to me is not how to be a good Samaritan. A story is told by the controversial Jesus Christ. It was a parable of the good Samaritan. What will you do if you were faced with such a situati...


They say or rather I have heard the saying what doesn't kill you makes you stronger way too many times that I'm actually starting to believe it's true. Achieving a healthy life is too and there are secrets to how to spot that body that is perfect. Yes I know nobody is perfect but there are those who are close to perfection than others. The only secret to a healthy lifestyle is follow the rules . Yes we all know rules are not as fun as say freedom and that is why many people actually fail miserably at achieving certain goals that seem so easily done by others. Take me for example, I have failed in many business ventures, it took me four years to realize that hey i didn't  follow the rules of  entrepreneurship . I sometimes find it funny that millions of how to become wealthy books exist for free and yet there those who succeed actually never read these books page by page. I will become the next George Lucas actually a combination of Jerry Buckerheimer, Steven Spie...


I will say it again. Frying is the best mode of cooking stuff that's not normal delicacy. Normal human beings eat insects and other small cousins of ours but we don't eat bugs. I can swear (not in religious context) ... for others bugs are as normal as French fries (crunchy and oily) just yummy. Now forget Joe's Apartment   There is another vintage silent film on cockroaches. I saw it about two decades ago and it still lingers in my mind (they invaded the whole city and killed everyone).  I find bugs to be funny in a social sense as in how they go about their daily life from an observer's point of view. But from a natures point of view they are predictors and can extinct our race if they decided to. Good thing some guys in Vietnam already know how nutritious they are ... but not all bugs just the arachnid family mostly at least. Spiders in particular are actually nearly being considered a staple food there. I guess there is some benefit to eating bugs like say ...


If you are like me then ... sorry there is no one like me. But my point is: I find disgusting stuff delicious, I mean food wise just get those irrelevant mental images out of your head right now. Thank you. Moving on ... I happen to find Kenyan snails more eatable and clean in short delicious not that I eat them .. (hey don't shy away from offering a kiss). It's very rare to see Kenyan snails with shells otherwise they would not be as appealing to me. A typical Kenyan will not eat a snail even if their life depended on it but if money was involved then snails will definitely become extinct. Offense intended ...  For those of us who eat our slimy yakish  friends then all you need is a bunch of them, probably enough to satisfy your appetite. First clean thoroughly with a food disinfectant (any disinfectant that is not harmful to your health) After this make sure they are dead by hitting them or just crushing. You can expose their insides and get rid of them or just igno...


Okay the truth: our society is becoming obese and we are enriching the medical community by being regular patients of nutrition related symptoms simply because we don't eat like our forefathers. Yes i said it and you may say it's stone-age or is it Stonehenge but those guys pretty much die in their 90s or over, and us who mock them die before 50 years old. Anyone above 50 years actually is a healthy and conscious eater. Some people ... take offense if you like but some guys look 40s when they are barely 20s. PLEASE EAT THOSE TRADITIONAL FOODS AND NOT PROCESSED 'NUTRITIONAL FOODS' I MEAN FRESH FARM PRODUCE. milk a goat if you have to, let a hen and a cork wander in your back yard and collect some eggs later. There is an true (maybe the only true rumor) that the healthy President Moi actually eats pretty much only traditional stuff thats why he's still young. By the way we share a birthday with that famous president... connect the dots and don't hate me for it...


I actually don't know what it's called in English but it's like vinegar/soda bicarbonate, that you add to traditional greens like omurenda , livubi , the famous terere , just ask anyone in Kenya they know them. Now to my point, all you need is a clear container, water, ash and a sieve. The ash must be fine just from firewood but some people still make it with charcoal ash. Anyhow it's your choice, so after mixing, remember not too much water, 500ml is okay with little wood ash. after mixing let it settle for some days, the ash will sink and the water looking like alcohol or cooking oil will be on top. Then sieve into another container and store the ash for recycling another day. The liquid you have sieved can be used the same way soda bicarbonate is used in boiling some traditional green veggies, some white folks eat blackjack leaves (with the way climate change is going so will we start eating weeds as they are more climate resistant than food stuff) and you can boil ...


This is probably the longest post i have so far. I actually know this by heart. It's a feeling similar to memorizing the shortest verse in a religious text. I'm actually a certified expert in chicken slaughtering, i offer services just order at: Thank you very much. Now; okay you will obviously need the main culprit or is it victim, whatever. Get the hen or cork you want to kill, yeah all you animal rights' keep your opinions to others but me. In some large community a chicken is much sweeter after you out-chase it. Never mind though. Take a sharp knife, a blunt knife is being inhumane. Hold the bird firmly on the ground and make sure the blood won't spill all over you.You can hold it down by it's wings and feet. Stretch out the head being in your palm. Cut fast just beneath the beak, control the bleeding in whatever way you know best. You may prepare the head or be generous to some cat or dog. Find some extremely hot water and deep t...


This also applies to anything in life. Always concentrate on the task at hand until you complete it. We are not microprocessors to multi task. Maybe a bunch of guests who probably hate you are waiting for that recipe you seem to have fetched from your kitchen and it just burns and you have to order take out. SHAME ON YOU all of you who have cool kitchens and still order take outs. As Diego was told in 'ice age'; YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO HUMANITY.


FAST FOODS are your best friend my friend if you are looking to become fat like me.I mean i'm also thin trying to hide my rib-cages and sharp pointy elbows. So if you want to gain some weight fast start eating anything from a fast food joint. Chew that ham, pop those oily fries, pick a slice of cheesy pizza and bite that chicken steak. Don't forget to mouth wash with some diet coke or just coke or any soda, anything but water. Not alcohol. Remember that too much of anything is poisonous. When you have achieved your goal of being fat stay away from those fast foods. Too much of those delicious stuff is bad for you. Order something from fatburger,  maybe you will get some fat cheeks like someone i know. no offense taken.


Okay so it's as simple as thinking (at least for me) or maybe whatever you consider simple, whatever. Now if you want to become fat just start secretly eating everything everyone says stop eating . After a month or a few weeks not more than four weeks if you have added 5 kilograms or about 10 pounds for those of you weirdos. Okay what was i saying ... yeah when you gain 5 kg in four weeks start listening to those advices and stop eating whatever everyone says is bad for you. They will probably never become fat and so they want you too to be like them. i think fat is beautiful, not unhealthy fat. there is a difference.


You must note that some foods have to be boiled before actually you start the actual cooking. Most cooking enthusiasts scratch their heads after following a recipe and it never comes out the way it's been described, well the issue could be you never boiled some ingredients.Even meat has to be boiled before being fried or made into stew. Basically any farm produce foods have to be boiled unless they are fresh produce like vegetables don't ever boil veggies but you can fry and simmer. The reason why some recipes include adding water is for the boiling process. Boiling brings out the natural original taste. Some of the foods to boil before adding as ingredients include: Yam, Sorghum, Sweet potatoes, Traditional ingredient vegetables (called mboga za kienyeji in Kenya), basically any dry cereals. raw food stuff including meat unless you are frying or barbecuing. Poisonous foods too it's my personal opinion and advice that you boil that poisonous frog or snail thoroughly before...

Simple Spaghetti dish

Take a bunch of spaghetti sticks that you assume will satisfy your hunger. Soak them in a little bit of water just to make them soft and curly. At the same time put a cooking pan with oil on the heat. Take the soaked spaghetti and dry it a little. And when the oil is hot smoky put the in and stir as if frying. Fry for a while until the oil is all mixed up and the soaked spaghetti is fried enough. You can add salt to taste. Cut or crate some tomatoes and onions and a few usual ingredients you use. Remove the fried spaghetti from the pan and add more oil this time add onions and fry a bit to golden brown color. Then add the tomatoes and whatever else you want. stir to make a sauce then taste the sauce just for fun then add the fried spaghetti. Cook for as little time as possible. You can add soup or not then serve hot with a cool drink (it could be cold tap water, that's my favorite(ice cold rain water when i'm tasty))

HOW TO BECOME FAT tip number one

Start eating nutritious foods. Not quantity but focus on quality. Make sure you have carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins at least all in one. Don't forget water, i don't mean mineral water i honestly don't think boiled water and mineral water is healthy, i prefer clean tap water. but hey that's me.


HOW TO BECOME FAT Okay i have searched online about this topic without substantial and solid plus satisfying results so this year i will start writing snippets of how to become fat. Guys are so into obesity they have forgotten all about us who are underweight, in Kenya we call them one gb. DONT GET ME WRONG gaining weight is as hard as losing it and some of us are really trying hard.